Monday, August 21, 2006

How to Store Your Aromateraphy Oils?


Essential oils should always be packaged in coloured glass, since this filers out the sun's untral-violet light.

The colour of the glass bottles must be dark either brown, blue, violet or green. They all offer some protection to your essential oils.

No matter the colour of your bottles, you should keep them in a place where sun will not reach them. Do NOT keep them in a window or in the bathroom. Over time this will dramatically speed up the process of ozidization due to them continually heating up and cooling down.
Keep them i a box or a small wall cupboard.

Choose a cool, dark place to keep them safely away from heat and children.

Citrus essential oils are most prone to oxidisation, so to avoid the damage caused by temperature variations, you could store them in your refrigerator. The best temperture is between 41-50 F or 5-10 C.

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